Juan Pablo Macías has carried since 2009 a research on anarchist knowledge and media, departing from a legal situation that surrounded one of the largest anarchist libraries in Latin America, evicted with a seizure order for back rent in the summer of 2009 in Mexico City. After several works around this library, he has been researching papers, state and private archives, the Internet, pondering on the relation between power knowledge and insurrectional knowledge, and in a broader sense, between systems of representation and affectivity.
Show MoreIn Villa Romana he made the formal presentation of his editorial project WORD+MOIST PRESS which launches its first volume “The Anarchist Doctrine Accessible to All”, written in 1925 by José Oiticica – philologist, poet, anarchist and grandfather of the Brazilian artist Helio Oiticica.
Macías’ proposal consists in recognizing labor as a formal material that serves as any other media, ink for an example, to use as labor material for itself. In this case, he has commissioned the translation from Portuguese to English of “The Anarchist Doctrine Accessible to All” (the first translation of this author to any other language), to Maíra das Neves and Kadija de Paula, members of Agência Transitiva (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), as the material element for publishing the inaugural volume of WORD+MOIST PRESS, and for inscribing the translated text directly onto the walls of Villa Romana using a hard tip object.
The inscriptions on the wall – that recall prison writings or old graffiti – serve as the transactional process by which Macías negotiates the different layers that traverse his labor. Labor, understood as an activity realized in the clandestinity or intimacy of the house, that negotiates its time with different outcomes in the public realm: the institution, art practice/artifices, the social field. Actually, this translation is born out of his desire of reading Oiticica, and consequently, of creating a broader circulation for this initial desire.